Same tshirts, but with inverted colors. I know it's not quite as much "metal", but still. I'm thinking about ordering tshirts from you, liking the facepalm and the burning planet motive. The NSA-stuff is only applicable in the US imo. I don't have a beard, I don't play Skyrim. The WASD and Metal motive are not my thing. All I'm looking fore nice, inconspicuous shirts. I want to support you and don't mind wearing your logo or your ideas. Heck, that's the whole point of these tshirts...
We have had like 2 requests for white shirts and the colored shirts barely sell. It seems to be all black with our audience. The trouble with doing all white is that we would need to switch out the inks and such... it would be rough to print just a few shirts like this. Does anyone else want white shirts?
I have been wanting to buy some of your shirts, to support you guys, and to wear. My hold up is, I don't actually wear black, as its already too hot and I don't need to be absorbing any extra heat from the sun.
So i've been looking at your nice coasters and other accessories, hopefully I'll but in a purchase soon. I'd really dig the 'Your OS Sucks' shirt in white though. I'm glad there are more white/gray variants, I do prefer full white. ^-^
The NSA can just up and query your content in real time at the drop of a whim and the NSA stuff is only applicable in the US. They have systematically weakened internet security as a whole and the NSA stuff is only applicable in the US.
Nice, that's nice.
As far as white shirts, and white clothing in general, the only thing white is good for is being colored. I cannot wear a single item of white clothing without some sort of coloring imbedding itself into it. Fuck white, shit was made to be colored.