Which Z97 Motherboard between these three have the least problems?

Hello, I'm looking to upgrade my system from an AMD FX 8350 and ASUS M5A99FX PRO R2.0 to a Intel Xeon E3 1231V3 and one of the three following motherboards:

GIGABYTE GA-Z97X-UD3H-BK (rev. 1.0): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128723

GIGABYTE GA-Z97X-Gaming 5 (rev. 1.0): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128709&cm_re=GIGABYTE_GA-Z97X-Gaming_5-_-13-128-709-_-Product

MSI Z97 GAMING 5: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130770&cm_re=MSI_Z97_GAMING_5-_-13-130-770-_-Product

I know that the Xeon can't be overclocked, but I like having the option to upgrade later on in the future to a CPU that can. Anyways, these three are the ones I've narrowed the list down to. I'm leaning towards the UD3H-BK because it has the least reported problems on Newegg reviews (those that I have read). Have any of you used these motherboards? If so, how were they? If you think these three suck, please feel free to suggest some. I only require that the motherboard support the aforesaid CPU and SLI, have 6 SATA 3 connectors, and 4 rear USB 2.0 ports. Thanks for any given help.

The MSI Z97-G45's an alright board, supports all of that. I've got it and haven't had any problems.
Got a 4790k but haven't had the chance to get an aftermarket cooler to OC yet.

Msi gaming 5 is a good choice.
i would go with that.

I've got a similar (lower end I think) Gigabyte board. I haven't had any issues although I don't think I'd recommend it to someone. The included software is pretty bad and I don't like how the UEFI is designed. I'm using a [email protected] in mine; I could probably hit 4.6ghz or more with a better cooler. I got it up to 4.6 but it was getting too hot at the voltage needed. My board is the GA-Z97x-SLI.

I know I'm more than a month late but thanks for the suggestions. I ended up saving my money a little longer and got the Asus Z97 Pro Gamer for $151.98.

I have an idea. You are buying or using a Xeon....why not buy a server board...

Z97=gaming=overclocking=NOT ECC=LESS STABILITY


Full Size ATX

I just realized you are building a gaming machine
Ignore above post.

I have the MSI Gaming 7 and it's a crazy awesome board. I'm sure the Gaming 5 compared well