hey im wondering which way to watch the hobbit movies in and do i have to watch the lord of the rings first? thanks
The hobbit is separate from the lord of the rings, it is about bilbos journey. i believe. where as the LOTR is about Frodos journey
is it because i started watching one of them but i stopped when i got confused about how they knew each other and how bilbo had a ring
Technically i think you should watch the hobbit first. it shows how he(Bilbo) got the ring. and then the lord of the rings is after bilbo has gotten old and gandolf comes back to visit discovers the ring on Bilbo, and the journey of Frodo begins to destroy the ring.
k so i watch the first hobbit then the lord of the rings
Um. This is where I am not real sure, I believe all of the hobbit story line happens before LOTR, the battle of five army's is the "Great Battle of Men, Elves, orc ect." That is talked about in LOTR series
All 3 hobbit movies happen chronologically before the LOTR movies.
I would recommend watching LOTR first, then go watch the hobbit movies. However weather you watch it one way or the other i think it mostly up to opinion. I prefer to watch series in the order in which they where released, especially for a first time watch though.