Which to get? ATX or ITX?

So I have these two builds which use pretty much the same components but one is atx and one is mini itx. The pros and cons are pretty much balanced beetween the two so I am asking you guys which to get.


Regular Haswell: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Zebrajellybeans/saved/1Oan

Pros: Big-Room For Space

Motherboard has more room for extra stuff

Better cooling


Haswell mini ITX: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Zebrajellybeans/saved/1Pi6

Pros: Small

Less Expensive

Less Wattage


What do you think? Also, should I change anything in either?

Well, what will you be doing?

If you travel a lot, mITX is a great choice, if you want great performance in a smaller form factor get mATX. I have an mATX system so it doesn't take up too much space in my dorm room and isn't a huge hassel to move around.

That integrated PSU is terrible; as a general rule, all integrated PSUs are terrible.

A AMD A10 6800k could be a very good choice as well