PS, sorry, I ain't alf spamming the forums lately with dopey questions, but it's upgrade time :D
I'm looking at these 4 atm, purely because they are £15 cheaper than most other brands ? Do any other SSD's stand out under £70 ? So many choices, just want to order one already aha !
Avoid Kingston for one, otherwise it's really not going to matter all that much, just get whatever has the better price per gigabyte. so long as the speed isn't incredibly different.
I'm having a bit of trouble cloning my hdd though, I tried it with clonezilla last night and it went through ok, but it won't boot ! Anyone have any ideas ?
Try unplugging the Sata cable from the drive that originally had Windows on it and see what happens. I'm curious if it will decide to boot from SSD. Were you going to the boot menu and selecting boot from SSD before?
my hdd is 120gb my ssd is 250, my flash drive is 2gb and the iso is 3. So for now I'm trying to clone the hdd again.
If I can't get it up and running by the weekend I will borrow my friends drive and do a clean install. I'm itching to get it working though aha ! First ssd i've owned :D
I've had issues in the past with clonezilla not creating the MBR. I use parted magic now to clone disks, but you can still use parted magic to rebuild the MBR and see if that will get you booting.
Also, depending on your board, make sure you have UEFI as the boot method in your board BIOS.
If you did buy the crucial drive (which is what I gather from the thread) you should have received a small paper inside the box with a code and a link for their included cloning software. I bought two crucial SSD's recently and they both came with it. If you search on crucial's website there's a section on how to clone the drives with a link to a you tube video. That's what I did and it just took like 20 minutes and I was done.