Which smart phones have a 1440p display?

Im looking to buy a 1440p smartphone but I'm not sure of all of them. What I know so far:


Nexus 6

Droid Turbo

Lg g3

Galaxy s5 prime

Oppo find 7

Lenovo Vibe Z2 Pro


Which other smart phones have 1440p displays? 

Edit: added more devices to the list which fellow forum members told me about 

Galaxy S5 Prime

There is also the Oppo Find 7 that has been out since March.

Alright, thanks! Are there any more? I hope so because basically all those phones are $700+ in Canada, and I was hoping to not pay that much :/

Honestlly  why do you want a 1440p display on a Smartphone?


The difference with 1080p is neglectable on a screen that size, however you do notice the lower 3d performance and battery life

I already have my nexus 5 which has a 1080p display. I don't want another phone with a 1080p display. :( 

I have a Droid turbo, and I can say that you are wrong on both accounts.

Yeah from what I have seen there is almost no effect on battery life. 3D performance maybe but they are putting in better GPUs so it isn't really much of an issue. 

Why? Because why not? More is better (usually) I can tell the difference. It is like when Apple coined "Retina" and made a big deal about it then once they fell behind they were like "lol resolution? just a number mannn."

Do you have any comparison with a 1080p display of similair quality if i ask?

I have a Samsung Note 3 and a friend of me has a Note 4, we both don't really see a differenc unless you are really close to the screen. 

Heavily used the new MotoX In-store when I was comparing them. The better screen is one of the reasons I went with the Turbo over the MotoX Gen2. And I still get a near 48-hour battery. And the GPU is beefier, as is the CPU, so you get the same performance, generally. It's just at a higher resolution.

I've got a HTC One M8, and I was actually quite impressed with the LG G3's display.  Personally, I think there is a noticeable difference.

Ah ok, it seems to depend from person to person then.

Just edited the list of phone I know which have a 1440p display. Are there anymore which people know of? If you know of one, tell moi!

1440p screens defiantly use more power. its just that the Turbo has a freekin HUGE battery to make up for it and then some..

It'll be different from phone-to-phone and user-to-user.

Yep, 3900 Mah. I still get about a day and a half out of it. Closer to 30 hours than the advertised 48, but that's still an enormous amount of time.

@Phantom How many on-screen hours do you get from your phone? I've also read that the Droid Turbo's screen isn't bright. Is that true? 

I haven't tested on screen hours, I could test that, though. I'm a pretty heavy user and it gets me about 30 hours or so. And the screen is just as bright as any other amoled screen. Nothing different about it.

Hey. It seems to me that the droid turbo is on the same "line" of phones that the droid razr maxx is on (which is the phone i currently have). Would you recommend the turbo from your use? i have been on verizon forever and dont have any plans on switching to someone else, so the exclusivity of the phone isent a issue to me.

I'm loving mine, so I definitely would. 

Why would you even want to change your Nexus 5? It still kicks ass even though it is nearly 1 year old