Hello folks
i just purchased a Fractal Design Node 304 (after Logan's review) and i will build a gaming system in it. As a graphics card i will be using the asus R9 280x, i already have an i7 3770k so i think i will buy the gigabyte h77 wifi itx board (no i do not care about overclocking). However my concern is with the PSU! i was thinking about the corsair cx750m but that is 160 + being modular i am afraid that i won't have space for the graphics card to fit in. I would really like a modular psu since it is an itx case. I was also considering to get the cx600m but after seeing the system power consumption calculations predicted about 550W. Is the cx600m going to handle the r9 280x a closed loop cooler etc without problems? Idk. I am also very sensitive to noise so i'd prefer a silent psu. Do you folks think the cx600m will be enough or should i just go with a non modular one?
Please help me with my dilemma, id really appreciate it. Fricking fractal design couldnt give an extra centimeter on the psu location grrrr!!!
you'd be fine with even a 450w PSU what are you doing getting a 750, the 3770K uses about 77w and the 280x about 300w
though I've heard modular is a nono in that case unless you had the silverstone PSU with the special order super short cables
How about Seasonic G 550rm? It's more efficient. The CX600M is OK. Can't help you on the modular question.
I was thinking i might need a bit more juice because the asus r9 280x suggests somewhere around 600W i believe. The g 550rm from silverstone i just checked and it wouldnt work. it is already 160mm which is the max limit in the node to put a long graphics card but the modular connectors would stick out preventing the card to fit in. I think the cx600m should be fine it is 140mm + the modular connectors should be around 150-155mmleaving me some space to work with.
I've also seen a few reviews that suggest not using a modular psu, but this one has the 6 pin and 24 pin cables non modular so i dont see how that copuld be an issue. i might be wrong though if im overlooking anything.
any non modular suggestions that might be better i would be glad to consider as well.
Firstly, if you aren't going to be overclocking, why are you getting a K part? get a regular 3770 instead of the 3770k, you'll save money on a feature you won't be using. The CX series are not all that great from everything I've heard, I know there are people who can suggest you some nice seasonic /XFX 550W PSU's that aren't available here in Australia so I'll let brennan or whoever else swoop in and save the day.
P.S. the R9-280X doesn't USE 600W, it uses about 300 max. 600 is just a suggestion, but you could go with 550 easy.
I already have the 3770k from another build, i'll just swap it out.