MSI Twin Frozor 7870 -
XFX 7870 GHZ Edition -
I'm trying to decide whether I should pay the extra money for the GHz edition. I can't seem to pick much difference between them due to the fact they have the same memory and the same Clock speed. Once I have decided I can finally look forwarding to buying my Gaming PC!
The Twin frozor by far. MSI cards are built to be overclocked. The MSI cooler is also FAR quieter than any of the ones XFX uses this generation while also running way cooler. The 7800 series are well known for hitting over 1000mhz all day & easily 1100mhz on a good cooling design anyway; regardless of which board partner you go with. XFX may offer those warranties but you shouldnt worry about that beacuse of the other things that it just doesnt do as well.
All 7870s are Ghz Edition. That just means they have a standard clock speed of at least 1 Ghz. There shouldn't be much, if any, performance difference between those two cards, but I have the Twin Frozr 7870, and I don't have any problems with it. The fans are audible, but not terribly loud, when the card is under a full load, and the temperature never gets higher than 55. At stock clock speed, of course.
I've had it overclocked by up to 35% while running the Unigen Heaven benchmark (which translated to about 30% better performance), but it doesn't seem to like running any actual games overclocked at all, at least not for very long. But mine might just be a runt of the litter.
Thanks for all your help guys.
Guess I'll go with the MSI, which is brilliant because its cheaper!