Which motherboard should I get?

Okay so I've pretty much settled on an amd 8350, r9 290x vapor (later x2), 2x8 hyper X fury 1866mhz but I don't know which motherboard to get.

I wanna do some overclocking on the gpu and cpu but nothing too crazy. 

I was thinking of going with Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3,  Asus M5A99FX Pro R2.0 or ASRock 990fx Killer

But now I wanna know what you guys think as I am not the best informed when it comes to motherboards

I have a budget of around 60-120ish.

Look below your thread.

M5A99FX Pro R2.0


i will go ahead and say the asrock killer  or the asus m5a99fx pro r2.0  both are good choices and  have close to the same build quality. the specs lean towards the asrock but in reality they are very close over all. if budget matters asus if not spend a bit more and get the asrock. either way you get a killer board and will have a damn fine platform for your 8350.  best of luck and happy building.



Really depends on looks

all of em run the 990fx chipset which mean dual 8x crossfire, 6 sata gen III, and USB 3.0 support among others.

as for over clocking all three of them are certified for the FX-9590 so you're safe with any of them.

As for GPU overclocking though that depends on the GPU itself and a GOOD psu to handle that extra wattage you will draw from the psu


good luck on your build!

p.s. im upgrading to the gigabyte ud3 come christmas

It's not the 990FX chipset that provides the USB 3.0 ports, but the ASMedia controller (same with the 970 chipset, or with the southbridge SB950 chipset). There's no native USB 3.0 controller on the AM3 platform.