So I've got the chance to get a new phone. I've suddenly attached myself to the idea of an iPhone but I wasn't sure which one to get seeing as Apple is churning them out yearly , I don't want to get one which is seen as weak for the current apps or anything.
I was looking at the 5S. The TouchID, faster CPU and the 2 LED's for the flash did seem pretty nice. The screen size is fairly disappointing in my eyes, but 4 inches isn't too bad. But the 5 doesn't seem to be too behind the 5S, but we can expect the iPhone 6 to be coming out fairly soon..
So it boils down to 2 questions, the iPhone 5S or 5? Or wait for the iPhone 6?
Well why are you choosing the iPhone? In my opinion, for iPhones, it all boils down on how much you think those features are worth. If you don't think they're worth the however-many-hundred-dollars more, then get the 5C(rebranded 5). If you do think they're worth the extra money, get the 5S. Remember, the 5C is only a 99$ 16GB model as far as I know. I, personally, think you should not get an iPhone and get an Android phone(this is coming from an iPhone user by the way).
I got the 5 as a gift and it's plenty fast enough and big enough for me. I don't game on my phone because let's be honest here, why game on a phone when I have a gaming computer? Anyways, yeah, it's a phone with a screen, a half decent camera, and stuff.
Also, Apple is a pain in the ass with their production schedule. It's like every 8 months there's a new phone that's 'better than the last', you only have sell your soul, your parent's soul, your pet's soul, and your shoe's sole because of the stupid prices.
Well, if you really want to stick with iphone , get the 5s. Its the newest and fastest, although there will be a new iPhone coming out soon...
If you wanna check out android, the LG G2 I think is a much better bang for the buck. It has a longer battery life, larger display, better looking display, better camera and it goes on and on...
The one thing I can give to apple is having a very low powered o.s. for their phones.(O.s. doesn't use much battery compared to android) Other than that... Not much.
i have an iphone 5 and get a lot of hate here for it but i love my 5 my grandmother has a 5s she loves it but from playing with it, it's no different other than the finger print reader guts wise nether phone has anything remarkable under the bonnet
I had a work supplied 4s, then got a work supplied 5, while waiting to get the sim swapped over I was standing there looking at everything else that was available, galaxy S4, HTC One, Sony xperia z/1 whatever it was.. list goes on. All these really impressive looking phones, and there was me standing there with my shiny 'new' iphone 5 thinking, wtf is this piece of crap? It looked old and dated beside them all. Put up with it for about a month before I went out and bought my own HTC One. Never looked back.
I am using 5S now and it was really cool ,and i think it is a pretty good choice on you ,all my friends in Helsinki right now are choosing iPhone 5S in fact in part of Helsinki there is a iPhone services or iphone huolto where they are really giving the services that want of their iPhone customer.
It certainly isn't. As someone who has used Android, Windows mobile I can tell you that it frustrates me sometimes. Sure, it is more customizable but ios isn't as bad as many people think. Especially, if you are like me and want a phone for strictly calling, messaging and light browsing. I can't tell you the number of times my phone (HTC sensation CyanogenMod 11) has crashed on me when I needed it most. For stability, ios is rock solid because it's a closed system.
It originally came with 2.3.3 which wasn't exactly great before I rooted and romed it. i haven't used the latest version which is kitkat though. But I have used my friend's iphone 5s..
You have to live with a phone for a bit mate. Android has come a long way, as has ios. The difference between the two is you can take an android phone and turn it into whatever you want it to be. iOs is ios and that's all it will ever be.
You're thinking about it wrong. You've taken you're old HTC sensation, a phone that if it came from apple would be so far beyond support the apple geniuses would be confused if you asked them about it, and put a modern rom on it, and it worked! It wasn't 100% reliable, but it worked, despite never having been designed for such an advanced OS. Some might consider a little instability an acceptable risk for the benefit of running a modern rom on obsolete hardware.
And don't think for a second ios is 100% stable. It screws up just as much.
I'm still using it. It was released in 2011 and I bought it in 2012. It has a dual core 1.2 Ghz cpu and a gig of ram. And yes, it was intended to run Ice cream sandwich (the update came out a little late but it runs) so don't throw the word "obsolete" around with such ease. You are talking about it like it's Google G2 or the Nexus one.
The difference between the two is you can take an android phone and turn it into whatever you want it to be
Can you install Windows phone or ios on an android phone? No, an android phone can only run android roms.
And don't think for a second ios is 100% stable. It screws up just as much.
Does an iphone shut down inexplicably during a phone call even with 50% plus battery and gets stuck in a bootloop unless you plug it into the charger? Does it freeze randomly when you are trying to text someone or browsing the pic gallery? I doubt it.
That's nice, but I was talking about the iphone you're so impressed with. You haven't lived with that have you, it belongs to your mate.
Can you install Windows phone or ios on an android phone? No, an android phone can only run android roms.
Despite this comment being ridiculous, you can in fact make your android phone look and operate in a similar fashion to ios or windows phone if you want to. There are launchers and themes/skins to make android look like just about anything, you aren't stuck with what it looks like out of the box.
Does an iphone shut down inexplicably during a phone call even with 50% plus battery and gets stuck in a bootloop unless you plug it into the charger? Does it freeze randomly when you are trying to text someone or browsing the pic gallery? I doubt it.
And this is why I said you have to live with a phone for a bit. iOs is not this perfect utopia you seem to think it is. It's an OS running on an electronic device. It screws up. All electronic devices do. My 4s would lose all internet connectivity if you connected to a wifi network. My iphone 5 couldn't maintain a call over bluetooth, it'd just cut out. You can't tar all of them with the same brush though, which is what you are doing with your sample size of one modified phone.
You're free to go out and get an iphone for your next phone and be just happy as a clam living in your walled garden, but I won't for a second let you try and tell others that it's better simply because you're phone crashes on you and you've never seen your mates iphone crash.