Which HGST Drive?

Hello Everyone,

I understand that HGST have been said to be the most reliable drives at this point in time, and I'm planning to add a few new 4TB drives in the coming weeks but wanted to ask if anyone can point me towards the specific models.

I've looked online and there's quite a few different models available that carry the HGST Deskstar branding.

My confusion is that I don't understand whether some models are better than others or if they're all the same. Could someone please point me in the right direction?

Many Thanks.

I would get a deskstar NAS drive. They seem to be the best bang for the buck. The enterprise drives above it are quite a bit more expensive.

Thanks for the reply. I'm in the UK and the standard version is slightly cheaper than the NAS version here, would you still recommend it? Any reason why you would recommend that NAS version over the standard besides price? More reliable?