Which headset!

hey guys i was wondering what headset to get or if you know of a better one in the same price range.



or one of those second ones but whats the differences in the second two.


$10 more than the second ones you posted, but definitely worth a lot more than $79 in terms of quality.  I've had these for a year now and they're perfect for gaming, especially FPS.  Turn on the Dolby Surround and you can hear EXACTLY where someone is :)


Not a huge fan of the Creative headsets.  Kinda junky imo

Do you have a set budget?

I used to use a Corsair HS1, very comfortable, good sound quality and bass, good microphone and great build quality. Only reason i'm not using it anymore is that I broke it :(

I currently have Asus' ROG Vulcan. More comfortable that the HS1, more expencive, about the same quality in sound and build, but the microphone is a bit sub-par.


Hope this helps in your decision.

get the Sennheiser PX 200-II, with the zalman mic

audiophile bro here.... grado sr60i if its in bedget. if not, jvc hrx700, if that isnt your getting shit that is shittyer then shit

^sr60 or the AKG k81, then some desktop mic, idk what the zalman mic is but if zomeone recommended that use that. Also plantronics makes great value headsets.

the zalman mic is a 3-10 dollar clip on mic that amazon sells (the price changes a lot). its rly clear, and has high sensitivity (both a pro and a con). has a 10 foot coord, so it will fit on almost everything. its what i use with my ATH-m50's