Which headphones should I use for gaming that have a great soundstage

I’ve been looking for a headset to use with a Modmic 4 from Antlion to replace my current headset. I was looking at the Akg K612 and Audio Technica Ath ad900x. The Akg didn’t seem to have as great of a soundstage as the Audio Technicas but the Audio Technicas seemed to lack bass. I prefer to use open headphones. All suggestions are welcome. Also I wouldn’t like to have to buy an amp, but will if necessary. Also what are some good amps to use with a desktop PC?

With everything you are talking about, I think the AD900x is your best bet.

The runner up would be the hifiman HE-300.

HD598/595 are super comfortable and on par with what has been meantioned. Buy from official retailers there are alot of fake headphones out there.

I would definitely go with the Sennheiser HD598's, they're excellent headphones for what you want. The soundstage is enormous, a bit less realistic than the HD600's I own, but it's much more ambient and open sounding.