Which gpu?

question is simple: msi gaming r9 290, sapphire r9 290 or wait for maxwell/r9 390?

i have a r9 270 but i may give my gpu away and buy a new one. i really don't know when amd/nvidia will release new gpu's.

you have to keep your needs in perspective, otherwise you'll be playing the waiting game forever - If you see a GPU that will fit your needs at a solid price, get it. I'm sure NVidia will wait until the holiday season to release the really high end Maxwell GPU's, and no word of Pirate Islands from AMD until 2015, so they are a ways away. 

Personally, I'd get the Sapphire Tri-X R9 290.

thanx, i think i stay wit my r9 270. i hope i get a new one cuz i still got warranty. i thought hd 4600 aren't that good but i tried to play bf4 in the test range and i got 25-40 fps on 1080p low settings.

A 270 is more than enough for 1080p gaming, and likely will be for another 2 years. I would hold off on an upgrade until the latest and greatest game will not play past low settings. Unless you are like me and run either insane resolutions or just plain need to have 120+fps you can go with a 280x. Sizeable upgrade, but not necessary by any means. To put my post into perspective: I threw together a computer from a friend out of an older dell I got for free and a GPU I got from a trade. It had a Core 2 [email protected] and the GPU was a 9600GT. This thing rocks Skyrim on the High preset, 1600x900, at 45fps with mods. Anymore, unless you absolutely have to have maxed settings ingame, you can get by with a  GPU that was midrange in 2008.