My goal is to get 165hz 1440p on ultra setting on modern and future games. I would like to buy the 3090 but the price is insane. I don’t know if I can justify more than double the price than a 3080. I can buy either fortunately, just need to see if the 2x price tag is worth a few extra frames/eye candy. Was wondering what you all thought. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Hold on for the reviews…
There is literally nothing else anyone can tell you…
ya that is the plan. just wondering in general the past/history of nvidia was gaming that much better on titan etc?
I will be waiting for the bench marks, but would like to buy one on release of 3rd party cards. worst case I’ll return it or sell it.
If the reviews are pretty close to what nvidia is claiming the 3070 is gonna do just fine.
Make sure you got something to feed it. Gonna need a hefty cpu to keep up.
I will be getting 3080 at the minimum. I like having the best and being able to max games out at 1440p 165hz on ultra settings.
my current rig should be able to handle it(8700k), but if my friend buys it from me I will be upgrading and getting 10900k or new ryzen 4000
Than you should be fine again if reviews are any where close to the Nvidia claims you good.
ya I agree just trying to see if someone can convince me to buy the 3090/ trying to convince myself to buy one
If you want convincing to spend twice the cash and you have the means without living on beans than buy it. More power to ya. I can afford one too but won’t buy one cause playing Rimworld and Cataclysm DDA doesnt require that level of gpu. Pubg my other favorite but for the game I still don’t need to see my opponents nose hair while trying to take them out.
ya I am right there with you. I will probably get the 3080 because that is a more reasonable price
Wait for reviews, but for 1440p I’d suggest a 3080 will be plenty.
And when it’s not (which won’t be for a couple of years), take the boat-load of money you saved from buying a 3090 and buy a 4080 or 5080 when they drop.
I reckon if Nvidia’s specs reflect reality, a 3070 may even get you there for non-RT @1440p 165hz.
thanks for the info!
Yeah but your goal is also insane, you know.
Also, really high framerates need a high frequency CPU as well, because you start to run into the game’s world-state update speed limit. Some future games may never run at 165 Hz no matter what GPU you use.
Titans were usually made obsolete a few months down the line by the AMD or the Nvidias own Ti versions.
The first Titan was beat by 290X then by 780Ti.
The next Titan was made obsolete by 980Ti because the performance difference was not worth the price tag.
I don’t even remember if the 10 series had a Titan, but it said enough that nobody talks about it anymore. There was Titan RTX you know, entirely focused on workstations and what not, because the price was obscene for gaming.
And now there is 3090…
literally impossible to tell you which to get until reviews
I wonder how long it will take until release of 3080 ti/super
Doom Eternal is a very optimized game but those numbers at 4k max settings for a 3080 I think you gonna be just fine. Assuming they weren’t lying about max settings or something. Reviews will tell soon enough.
i am more than likely getting the 3080, but would like to get the 3080ti/super
There were two. Titan X Pascal and Titan Xp. Both were actually quite popular because they had the full 12GB GDDR5X.
This. /thread
seems like pci 3 vs pcie 4 doesn’t make much of a difference for gaming
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