Anyway, on Black Friday I finally bought Wolfenstein & The Evil Within from steam and iv run into somewhat of a dilemma; see, because these games are f**king huge, to download both games would result in me using up my around 80% of my data cap for the month. So my only options is to either 1. download both games and have slow internet for the next month or, 2. to download one game this month the one game the next. Also, option '1' is not an option, so im going with option '2'. lol
Which game out of these two do you think i should download first? I honestly cant decide because iv been looking so forward to playing both of them and they both look like an epic play.
Which game has the longest play time?
Which one am i most likely to not be disappointed in?
"Sorry to burst your bubble but The Evil Within is kinda shit...."
Even though iv been looking forward to playing the evil within, deep down i guess iv always known it will probably be not all that great. lol
I hope my experience with these games are different to what you guys state. My taste & experience with games is quite unpredictable and often i will hate 'good' games & love 'crap' games.
If the both of them turn out crap, its not as if its a huge fuss. They were both something like 75% off each which isn't too bad of a deal. I was bound to play them sooner or later.