Which CPU set up?

I'm considering a new set up for working with Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. Looking at the ASUS x99 ws mb or perhaps the Z10 D8 dual CPU option. Would a dual 6 xeon CPU set up at a lower speed work better for me than a single 6 core (or even 8 core) xeon at a higher speed?
I originally thought of using the ASUS X99 ws motherboard, 6 core xeon 3.5, 64gb DDR4 ram, GTX980Ti gpu and an Intel 750 series 1.2TB PCie SSD storage but I'm now thinking about perhaps an ASUS Z10 D8 dual CPU board. Any one got ideas which set up would be best?

I'm pretty sure if you're not using some fancy instruciton sets and or are limited by memory bandwidth, a single 6 core at 4ghz is just as fast as two 6 cores at 2 ghz.

IMO you generally want to go single cpu if you can.

Those lower power 2011 Xeons are meant for very specialized usage scenarios.

Better question is how much money do you have to spend on a cpu?

Thanks for your suggestions. I'm looking to spend about £800 ($1200) so that would cover the i7 5960 8 core 3ghz which is about £800 or a dual xeon e5 2640v3 which are about £330 ($550) each


If you're getting a 5960x, you kinda need to overclock it.
You get much performance compared to cost if you overclock that thing to 4.5ghz, with is easy with a good dual 120mm or dual 140mm all in one radiator.