So im going for a 7970 which i will be crossfiring next few months but i dont know which to get im torn between the two i have listed i will be overclocking aswell so lower clocks arent really bothering me for the price saving.
whcih do you guys think i should get dont tell me get a 680 or 670 i had the 680 lightning was happy with it and all just i aint ever tried anything from the red side and i wanna give them a chance.
if there is any other that you guys recommend hit me up please.
AGAIN dont give me fanboyism i was nvidia fan boy i dont care about that anymore i want performance and something fresh.
The Direct CU cooler on the ASUS card is much quieter than the XFX but this mainly due to the fact it keeps the fans at a really low RPM.
The XFX will be louder and will run hotter. But will also present less issues in crossfire as it is only a dual slot card rather than the triple slot of the ASUS.
If you plan to watercool them as well (it's a possibility don't jip me!) The ASUS card has a better compatibilty from EK as they make blocks specifcally for that card. Though the XFX may have issues due to having multiple revisions.
At the end of the day, it really depends on your motherboard and having space to provide ample airflow.
i have three pci-e slots (msi mpower z77) so i could miss the middle one if that helps in advicei could fit 2 triple slots coolers ^.^ just want some advice on which road to take and the watercooling thing is appealing i want to go down that road at later date. =[)
I have an XFX 6950 that I broke in shipping. XFX is a great company and replaced it. Plus I really like the look of their cards. You can overclock/aftermarket cool without voiding the warrenty(In north america atleast, don't know about anywhere else)
Unless you're using a 2011 board, I highly doubt that is true. The last slot on the board only runs at X4, and I really doubt it has Crossfire compatibility.
I'm really not a fan of the triple slot cards from ASUS. They take up way too much space. I would personally just get an MSI card with a Twin Frozr cooler. Those cards have the best dual slot cooling out of every other company.