Which 7970?[Help]

I know everyone in the world is going to recommend me that HIS Twin Frozr and I think it's great but it won't fit in my case so please not that one, one that I have my eyes on is this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150665

The XFX one, I heard once that XFX has cooling issues although I have no idea if that's true, the reason I want this one is because of the size and the price

Note: I want this strictly for gaming, mostly BF4


Anyone else out there?

MSI has the Twin Frozr, does that one fit?

which case do you own and what is the max size gpu you can fit in there?

here's the PC Requirements for BF4, as you mentioned in your last topic mate:


also a review of the XFX (apparently the cooling is pretty damn good!):


I hope this helps and a 7970 is perfect for the game! :)