i kinda like the Sapphire, but i would like to know which one perform's best out of all the 7970 ghz model's (uk model's only)
I think that the GTX 770 as of right now is much better price/performance. I'd wait for AMD's 8000 series if you want to go AMD. That being said, if you really want a 7970 Ghz I would go with any reputable brand like Gigabyte, Sapphire, or EVGA.
EVGA doesn't do AMD cards...
Asus 7970 matrix or msi 7970 lightning.
The MSI Lightning is better than all other 7970s available. Sure, the Asus Platinum may look nice, but it has terrible QC, is a triple slot card, and overall is not worth the price.
I wouldn't buy a 7970.... Nvidia's 700 series just came out and AMDs 9000 series will be out soon enough. Do you really want your brand new graphics card to be 'old' by the time you put it in? --or pay more than you should for it.
The 7970ghz was better than the 680 when the 770 was released, and its marginally slower than the 770. The 7970 is a great card, and always will be imo. They oc like all hell as well.
Especially the Lightning.
But is AMD really going to keep the drivers updated after their 9000 series releases?
They are still keeping the 5000 series updated
^^^ hell thay still update the agp and HD2000 series cards! last update to those was 1/21/2013
They always have to keep at least a few older gens updated, as not everyone has upgraded or is waiting to upgrade to newer cards.
For one Brent, none of the 700 series cards are new anyway. They are all rebrands. Second, an overclocked 7970 is going to shit all over a 770.
As for the OP, don't buy a GHz edition card, overclock yourself. It takes 2 seconds literally.
Ok. I wouldnt say the 7970ghz would "shit" all over a 770. It will beat it, but not by a margin your thinking of. Now, if you get a 7970ghz thats decent you can clock it way above the rated ghz speeds, when not every card can.
I was implying an overclock of 1100MHz or above. If you card can't hit 1100MHz that you bought a cheap card usually. I have never heard of someone having that issue except with XFX.
Well put! XD
The ghz edition may be a better bet for a good OC as it has higher voltage and stock mem/core clocks. But yah, the 700 series being a last gen rebadge is funny, fan boys won't acknowledge it.