Id like to state my specs first.
i5 4670k @ 4.6ghz
16gb ddr3 1600
evga gtx 670 SC 4GB
asus maxims vi formula
corsair ax860
qnix evolution II (1440P 110HZ)
samsung 840 evo 250gb
wd caviar black 1tb
I run battlefield 4 @ 1440p Textures and texture filtering on ultra, everything else is on medium, HBAO and no AA. Most maps i get 80-110 fps, on some more demanding maps It can go down to 60
I want to be able to run it at a constant 100+ possibly with everything ultra, maybe a mixture of high and ultra
Ive been planning on upgrading my gpu this year. Ive wanted to wait for the 800 series to come out. I just found out about evgas step up program. So sometime later this month I should be able to buy one of the 700 series and just upgrade to an 800 as long as they come out within 90 days(crosses fingers). I need help deciding what to go with.
I'm really leaning towards getting an SLI set up. I would get the classified versions of the cards, either the 780s or 780 TI's, I can afford either. If i were to go with a single gpu I would most likely do a kingpin TI or maybe a titan black.
What do you guys think?
EDIT: I have a slight concern. I've always had a single gpu configuration. I've heard about issues with SLI such as stuttering and frame drop, as well as compatibility. Should I be worried?
If you don't have a budget, go with the 780ti, titan black doesn't make a difference to gaming unless you have a use for all 6GB of ram (e.g 4k monitor)
You mean dual 780 ti's correct?
having sli will make your games run faster but one 780 ti will probably do the job your asking
but if you want sli for the braging rights then get 2 780's. the 780's are cheaper than 2 780ti and you probably dont need the power of 2 of them.
single 780ti or titan black.. SLI lowers preformance a lot and fps will dip below 30 in SLI in some cases
I'm not sure what information you've read but this is grossly incorrect. SLI gives you a dramatic performance increase in almost all AAA games that support it. It's not 100%, but I've personally seen ~98% in crossfire configuration and 95/96% in SLI configuration.
MrOwl do you have any experience with SLI?
Yes I've ran both crossfire and sli. Crossfire gives slightly better gains but sli is still great. the again it could have been because it was before sli was being greatly optimized.
SLI should be fine, I'd go with the 780ti's if you have the money. I've had both SLI and crossfire over the years, neither of which suffered from any issues.
My 780 gives a respectable level of performance in BF4 at 1440p. It's not 100+, but it is fairly close the majority of the time. I have everything maxed; textures and the most demanding processes. Only time it dips significantly is if I run through a thick cloud of smoke.
If you want the assurance, or near constant 100+ fps in BF4, grab a single 780ti. SLI and Crossfire configurations are costly, inefficient, and problematic.
try that in a big map with lots of people trying to kill you. single cards work better than 2. more stable and consistant fps than 2 cards will ever have. sure the fps gains are nice but what about the random fps drops or dips eh???