I am set on gaming at 1440p. But I hear that getting a gtx 1080 will practically eliminate the need for anti aliasing. I do not know if this is a croc of shit or not but I would like that to be confirmed. Also I really want the gtx 1080 Zotac amp extreme. But I saw Jayz2cents do a review on it and he noticed that it would not hold a really high overclock well. Like when it got to 2.5 ghz. So I don't know about the Zotac card. But the EVGA 1080 seems to be the best pick. Can somebody please help. I am so confused right now.
Don't know how much my comment matters, but I only buy EVGA video cards. As long as you don't physically damage their cards your warranty is still valid if you overclock. ( other companies do this too but idk which ones)
No 1080 is guaranteed to actually overclock higher than any other 1080. This is what we call the silicon lottery, a term you'll probably have heard before or will at least hear a lot going forward. Basically, there is no way to 100% guarantee that any one GPU will overclock well until you actually have it in hand to test. The zotac you buy could happen to be better than the Evga you would have bought, or vise versa. GPU's are like the lottery, you might win a dollar or a million. Its dumb luck, plain and simple.
Decide what cooler and feature set you like the most, and cross your fingers that you win the silicon lottery. Getting a bad silicon lottery draw is not reason for RMA, so don't even think about that. Its dumb luck, cross your fingers and hope its your day!
Erm... Wut? Isn't anti aliasing where it smooths the corners and jaggedness? Wouldn't that be dependent on the resolution you play at and not the video card? (provided of course the video card can output that resolution well).
im happy with my asus strix o8g
Video quality does not differ between different video cards, so a 1080 will not eliminate the need for AA. Having higher resolution will do that though(4k on a 32" or lower screen probably wouldn't need AA).
If you are trying to get a high overclock, it doesn't really matter what one you get, they are all pretty close. I would buy based on price, cooling performance and warranty(some brands allow you to watercool without voiding it if you are into that).
mine is @ 2100 mhz
+75mhz boost
cant really get much more than that tho
the factory oc was pretty spot on
Thank for the input. I was just a bit skeptical about the zotac 1080 that jay reviewed when he compared it to other cards. I just hope that the card actually can hold the overclock. But kinda annoys the crap out of me that evga would cherry pick some cards to reviewers.
Which card?
I assumed that as well. And figured that my steam friend was bullshitting me. like a video card that actually does dx11 on a agp 8x interface. Considering going 1440p. So I think aliasing might not be an issue.
ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8GB ROG STRIX OC Edition
Sorry forgot you posted it in the other post.
i removed the backplate for my waterblock
so i cant use teh 2x fan headers on the end
and i cant use a backplate other than the ek one (extra 55bucks)
i have noticed that the rear of teh card has this like, line or row of transistors
and those get hot as balls
then again, im folding@home on the card
so yeah
100% usage for literally days on end
What I would like to know though is if the 1080 is going to be worth getting if I am going to be gaming at 1440p. Their is still no harm in a bit of future proof. But Don't know if it's just overkill.
Im using it @ 4k on most things
Holy shit what is your electric bill with folding? At least your not using one of those red cards.
I have done the math and watching YouTube with folding in the background my computer is taking up roughly 300 watts maybe 330
If I left it on for a month continuously and it sucked up 500 watts then my power bill would be an additional $55 so roughly this card cost me about $30 a month
Hours in a month X wattage of the complete system in use
And then cost per kilowatt-hour
Could be worse. You could be peltier cooling two amd card and a amd cpu. And have two deep freezer that are filled up on max load.
Even underclocked by 200 megahertz I still get an estimated 750000 folding at home points per day
Seven hundred and fifty thousand
Although I did have to Fandango with settings to get it at that level by default I was struggling to break 80 thousand a day
What refresh rate? At 60hz it would probably be overkill, but at 100hz+ depending on how many fps you want you may have to turn down settings.
My 1080 does well on my 1440p165hz monitor, but I have to turn down settings becuase I prefer higher(120+)fps rather than picture quality.