Does anybody know of a good place to learn python?
I'd recommend Codecademy.
Yeah there are lots of videos on Python on YouTube, and then there is codeacademy.
I would recommend getting a book in addition to whatever resources you find online. I think Learn Python the Hard Way, by Zed Shaw is very good.
Pluralsight isn't free, but they have a fantastic Python course. Shaw's book is great, too (and the HTML version is free).
I would recommend Codecademy. I signed up there about a week ago and didn't have any knowledge of any languages whatsoever. Ive completed the HTML & CSS course, and i can say that i feel pretty comfortable with it. I am by no means a pro, but I think they do a pretty good job at teaching.
Also, going off of what Resistor said, it wouldn't be a bad idea to pick up a book for reference as well. is hosting a free Massive Open Online Course called Programming for Everybody taught by a professor at the University of Michigan. It just started on the 2nd and registration is still open, and is supposed to be open for another couple weeks I think. They are teaching Python. It is entry level, and focuses on using Python to work with data, such as counting the most frequent word in a text document, and things like that, so completing the course should provide some immediate benefits for people.
I like it so far. It seems very well put together. The material isn't the hardest, as it again is an entry level class, but it's pretty close to an online community college class, which I have experiences with. I recommend it.
I'll make another post. For anyone interested in hacking type things with Python, these books may interest you.
Violent Python, by T.J. O'Connor
Hacking Secret Cyphers with Python: A beginner's guide to cryptography and computer programming with Python, by Al Sweigart.
They can be found on ebay, amazon, B&N, or on a ship, yee scally wags.
Why learn Python when you could learn C?
Is Python simpler and easier to learn than C?
"How to Learn Python the Hard Way"
Excellent free way to learn python.