Where to Start

Hey guys just wanted to seek the guidance of some more experienced users about the topic of learning how to hack. I'm new to the whole hacking world and I was wondering if anyone could let me know where to start. I am open to any suggestions regarding which OS to use or what programs to install or just something as simple as a website or youtube videos to look at.  

I like to consider myself pretty tech savvy when it comes to computers and I do do program a bit with C. So I don't need anything too simple as far as videos but like I said any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. 

Sorry about the noobish question but I suppose everyone has to start somewhere. Thanks in advance for the help.


Same here guys, Sorry for the false reply...

I found the following website informative.


more programming -> more knowledge -> more power -> more hacking

Because hacking is exploiting other people's code.

true that

SecurityTube is a good place. its a sort of filter for it, 

OS wise get Backtrack Linux, brilliant tool is this, im still learning it but its a good OS, based on Ubuntu 

im learning this for the White Hat side, i want to hopefully become a Network Admin/Pentester which ever way i go :) good books for hacking are Hacking Exposed V6 and Hacking for dummies. Also get cisco books so you can learn about defense

Never use Backtrack, it for skids who can't code themselves.

Learning how to hack is simple. Learn lots of languages, and find vulnerablites.

Step 1: Linux

If you are on Windows and trying to hack, then you are like a baby trying to pull off a bank heist. A lot of people like Backtrack5, but Dimmu is correct - a true hacker would understand waht is going on enough to be able to do it himself/herself. However, as a hacker, the goal is efficiency; why code several thousands of lines of code in C to work around some firewalls, establish a proxy, protect yourself, etc. when you can access a pre-made resource? You wouldn't.

Step 2: Programming

You say you have some experience with C - that is good. C is a great lanuguage for programming drivers, OSs, etc., but you need some higher level languages for ease of use. That being said, if you only know high-level languages, then you have no idea what is really going on. I recommend getting a solid understanding in Assembler, C, C++, PHP, HTML, Javascript, Jquery, and Bash. You won't be using Assembler to do anythingwithinLinux, but it will let you know what is going on with your C and C++ code. Everything else will make things easier for Linux-based on-the-fly coding, hacking, exploiting, etc.

Step 3: Have a goal

Hacking is not illegal; the use of those skills to exploit, and/or harm individuals or groups is, though. Hacking is the art of creating something effective to make something else more easily done/achieved with as little work as possible. It is extremely useful to understand this. Hacking itself is not harmful, but the intent you have to use the skills my be. Just keep this in mind.

I have to go for now, but I will post more later. Hope I helped!



Brennan Riddell

Awesome reply Brennan. Thanks for the very in depth and detailed answer.

I have a few questions regarding learning different kinds of languages. One of my roomates at college is a computer science major and I happened upon his book for the class which is based on C and pretty much taught myself over the course of the semester.  I was just wondering if I should just continue teaching myself or if I should take advantage of my location and go ahead and take some college classes dealing with different languages. As of now I am a freshman Microbiology major but was planning on changing to computer science. I have tried some online tutorials but I tend to lean more toward a physical book to learn the languages. Anyways as I said before any suggestions and opinions are welcome.

Thanks again for all the replies not just Brennans!

Backtrack linux is a joke for skiddies. You can download all the same utilities with a proper distro. "The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear..."?? Really, are we 12 or does anyone think this is cool?

Well just read some tutorials and such on shit sites like http://hackhound.org/forums/page/index.html, http://www.hackforums.net/.

Mostly though, just learn more C and work on programming and learning more shit yourself, Hacking communities have really degraded, and everyone who claims to be programmers now only knows vb, java, or C#.