Hey guys. Firstly I want to say I have no experience in making websites but that I am willing to learn even if it's time consuming as I think it's a useful skill to have. My father deals in buying/selling coins (nomezmat) on ebay and some other websites to the point where it's his full time job. I know, for the US this might sound very strange but it's a big part of soviet culture, and for many this hobby lives on. Anyway, there are some advantages to making your own site, running things your own way, maybe running some auctions on your website. I was wondering where I should start about this.
Of course, there is the option of doing something like squarespace or some other service, but I'd like to learn something from this in addition to be proud of what I've made!
The main reason I'm asking is because this is not a typical case where people wanna set up just a simple blog or w/e. Any comment appreciated, thanks guys :D
People won't trust the site unless it's supported by some service / shop , and I would recommend web accapella , it has e-commerce , but I have never used this feature .
One way to go about doing this would be to use wordpress + WP eCommerce. It's simple to setup and simple to use. I have been using both on and off since around 2006 and have never had any problems.
I would suggest shopify. The only thing I would say is that I've been learning how to build sites for 10+ years whilst making them fulltime and its never ending, technologies and ways of coding move along all the time.
You can make your own site but it'll be a lot of learning / effort on your part (Hence why these pre-built shop setup businesses exist). Things like browser compatibility, accessibility and optimisation as well as learning the actual code languages you wish to use are the main things to concentrate on.
I'm not trying to put you off building something yourself, just letting you know it'll be a lot of work. Here's a few sites to help you learn: