Where to get Windows 10 Enterprise Key for Cheap/Free?

Heyo! I'm wondering how/where I could get some cheap/free Windows 10 Enterprise keys? Simple question, hopefully.

Thats where Pauls hardware gets his keys so it cant be too bad..

You can't get enterprise keys for cheap or free as you'd need a volume license for that.


But as everyone else said, you can get Win 10 Pro keys on -snip- for cheap. I've bought 5 so far without any issues.

EDIT: Removed website name. Very popular site, but it is grey market and I'd rather recommend legitimate keys.

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I've seen some ridiculously cheap prices for keys on G2A.com You could try there?

We don't allow linking to grey market sites for windows keys as they are super dodgy.

The only place you can get legitimate keys are from approved sellers. You can take a gamble with grey market keys you might get lucky, or you mught find your license is invalid a year down the line.

Ether way please don't link them here. (Any issues with that please pm me or another mod.)

Me biggest apologies!

I got one from kinguin, no issues. i think it was 30 bucks

I bought a Windows key from someone posting on this forum a year or two ago. I don't remember who it was without dredging through my email but I don't think penguin was in the name. They had given away a couple of free keys to forum members to gain some credibility. It all went well initially and for maybe a year after. It was an activated working version right up to the day MS decided that it wasn't genuine anymore.

Having contacted MS about the issue it turned out that the key I bought was intended for MS employees only and should never have been sold at all.

Even if there is such a thing as a legitimate cheap key you couldn't know if the one you were buying was legitimate or not.

Caution advised I suppose.

You know if you have a microsoft account and call their tech support after doing a fresh install of windows 'without using any key' and you just tell them you had it installed on your machine before but then the motherboard blew up an you had to replace it, M$ tech support will actually remotely activate your windows 10 free of charge. They may however ask you of what prior key you were using or something like that, when I first did this I just gave them my windows 8.1 key and told them it was an upgraded win 10 version and they accepted that. I suspect I cannot do this with my new system though since the machine id is not really registered at any level with M$ at all... But you never know with Tech Support I mean its worth a try and some of those guys can be quite friendly and helpful sometimes.