Where to download drivers?

Hi people! I'd like to know were I should download my GPU drivers? in this case AMD'S website or ASUS's.

I'm aware that this is a stupid question, but I've been searching for half an hour and nothing. Plus I like being answered by you guys, it just reinforces my desire to give back to you guys *insert "the feels" here*

amd.com            towards the right corner it will say find a driver in a gray box 

http://sites.amd.com/us/game/downloads/Pages/radeon_win7-64.aspx get the top driver the second is the beta driver the 3rd is the crossfire driver

thanks for your responds, you didn't need to mentions the EXACT locations on the website, just if it was better to download from ASUS or AMD.

P.S. Cooperman, I freaking love your profile picture.

if you do not know what graphic chipset you have ... you might want to use one of these FREE programs :

- http://www.aida64.com/downloads  (install required - advanced users)

how to use it : http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/3445/se98.png

- http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/2252/techpowerup-gpu-z-v0-7-2/  (no install required - easy beginer/n00b user :)

how to use it : http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/6448/7ub.gif


- the autodetect and install tool for AMD video chips: direct link or context link

- for NVIDIA video chips: geforce experience (The easiest way to optimize your games and keep your drivers up to date.)


you should use the graphic chip producer to download drivers not the board maker ( ASUS , EVGA , etc... )


EDIT: if the graphic chipset is something else than AMD or NVIDIA you should kill it with fire before it spawns minions :)