Hey everyone! I was wondering what language is easy to begin with. When you reply you should include a IDE or a compiler to help me out a little more. Thanks!
The language chooses the programmer, Mr. ThatCerealGuy. The language chooses the programmer.
What would you like to actually do? Write Apps? Web? Mobile? What OS are you on now?
All I really want to do coding for is to fill my brain with the knowledge of coding. Although, It would be nice to make small mobile apps and games. I'm currently on Windows 7 and XP (XP is for my older workstation which I use for torrent and most browsing). Thanks My.Wendell!
well, maybe start with visual studio 2013? there are several languages that are part of visual studio.. this is more for app development. For mobile.. I hope you are running android on a mobile phone? the language of android is Java. The thing to do would be to focus on one language and learn it well.. really well.. this is probably at least a 1 year journey. Then you can learn many other languages from there. It is normal for a seasoned developer to know more than 5 different languages.
Maybe download Visual Studio Express (it is free) 2013 for Windows Desktop:
Here are some tutorials. C# is similar to java.. you could make the leap to Java after you are comfortable with c#:
You could also dive right into Java and Android Development, but the development tools you use for java is usually eclipse, and eclipse is a turd. You could also get Android Studio, which is a brand new and quasi-buggy IDE for android.. but this may be too much to bite off at once. At least with Visual Studio you can be up and running in just a few minutes.
I'd suggest you check out some of the free "Intro to C#" college classes floating around the web, and do the assignments.
Thank you!