i know Windel(is that how you spell it) knows his python, and he looks like he is good at what he does, so (though this is addressed towards Windel, anyone can answer) ; where should i learn python?
i know a little about windows DOS comands, and did some batch files before, but that about it...
The official Python page might be a good start: http://www.python.org/about/gettingstarted/
"Dive Into Python" is a great introduction to the language, if you can find a copy.
Also, consider whether you will be using 2.7.* or 3.3.*, as there are some major changes between the two for the fundamental elements of the language.
You should also check out http://www.codecademy.com/
They have some pretty useful stuff.
I've been starting to dabble with getting back into programming a bit and have gone through a few of the exercises at http://learnpythonthehardway.org so far. It seems to be a fairly good place for beginners to start. I'll consider my self a beginner since, I haven't done much of any programming in over 10 years.
Code Academy is a brilliant place to learn, so is the learn the hard way series, TheNewBoston has a good guide also, I tried looking for beginner projects, such as a calculator, make them and save them, they are good reference for the future, although people learn differently experiment with different styles to find what personally fits you :)
I'm new at Python (2.7) too, and the only little programming experience I had before was way back in the dos era with something called GWBasic. (not counting dabling with html etc)
My biggest confusion is about where the modules are suppose to be when using them. Been searching on-line for information about that but have not found it yet. (I'm using Debian based distro's and gedit, medit or Geany.)