Where the flying fuck do I get a Asus Direct CU II R9 290x for around 700 dollars?
Newegg's price just jumped again! Its at $850! HOLY MOTHER OF MERRY FUCKING GOD!
I wanted to go with asus because of the red, my theme for my build is red and black!
Does anybody know where I can get a card for a cheap price?
Or can anybody tell me when it will go down, or has amd commented on the price increase?
Someone please?
They are both out of stock but alternatives to NewEgg.
I personally have the DCUII 780 and I've been more than pleased so you should be happy with performance as well as the red and black you want.
I'd highly reccomend the DCUII but there are non-DCUII Asus R9 290X such as:
Yeah, I'd just look for a red-themed 780 or 780 Ti assuming you're just using your rig for gaming. 290x's are the most overpriced shit right now. If you're set on getting a 290x, I'd just wait for when mining crashes, resulting in prices crashing since I'd expect the market to get flooded with used AMD cards.
Here's a 780:
I can't find any red 780 ti's on newegg. Though there is an orange Zotac and a semi-ish red MSI.
anyone else remember when this shit was like 400$, now I know what its like to live in the UK or austrailia
February 12, 2014, 4:32pm
Wait,when was a 290x $400?
I wanted to get the amd's because Vegas Pro favored OpenCL over CUDA rendering.
I'm not going to just be doing gaming, I do huge multitasking.
I guess I might have to wait.. god damn fucking miners...