No its not a joke and yes it look like the only 100% assured way to solve the planets problems. This has been a theory for a very long time now.
We are not overpopulated technically, just the way we distribute that population is vastly unsustainable and the only solution is less people.
Either space them out evenly and make them more self sufficient
Or get rid of a large population %.
Having read more of your replies. As above technically we are fine but the way we want to take thing from one place, refine them, process them, move them around 3 or 4 times and then use them is so innefficient it is not sustainable.
As for the 00s and 90s they looked forward and projected population growth, and saw it was coming. That is fairly standard in lots of lines of business, extrapolating growth, in this case it was extrapolating population growth.
This has been known, China for a long time had a 1 child policy by law because of this exact problem, now they have brought them selves up in standard and are back to the regular life like us and lots in densly populated cities. They got to the point they could live like us stupid westerners and allowed it because it was possible.
The rest of the world is coming to the poimt where popualtion increase is outpacing job availablility, pay, housing, transport and basic things like food and water.
On that last point I am sure I will get a will smith meme gesturing to a walmart or something full of food. Which is true but just because there is lots of some food does not mean we dont have problems that are growing with many forms of it just not being available. It is nothing serious yet, but it is happening slowly.
No one wants to think about it because humans have built in self preservation and repopulation, it literally goes against human nature to think about not furthering the family line and bringing more unfortunate people into an ever worsening planet.
Personally I have never wanted children and the older I get the more I think that would be just unfair on children to know the things I do and still inflict our failing ways on them for a life time for them to deal with.
We have, to some extent and are working real hard on the rest, ruined our planet and will continue to do so at an ever faster rate, regardless of wants or environmentalism or careing because as much as we do, we care about no.1 more, and as long as I got mine then people dont care.
If you cannot see, feel, hear, or taste the diference minute to minute, day to day, week to week… In a full Lifetime then it dosent exist (in people minds)…
By now we know we have ruined it, even the deniers know something is wrong, but we wont do anytbing that threatens out good time
Look at the recent lockdowns… Now imagine that being your life time… No one does that by choice.
We will be forced into this reality.