Where are the Starcraft nerds?

Im a little late on the scene but im just getting into it. Its got to be the most difficult game iv played. I get smashed

Anyone have any tips? Im playing Terran

Starcraft 2 Heart of the swarm*


Just have fun. Getting good at starcraft takes practice. Something I wish I had time to do as I'm pretty poor these days. Try playing some Vs A.I. games from the matchmaking section and watch how the other human players play. Save the replays if they do something you like the look of. 

I just started playing SCII.. i used to play the first one all the time when I was younger, I played a couple gamest the other day and got my face smashed.. I used to be awesome at the first one too.

Add me. The3amJunkie#1606 battle net ID.

I would play a bunch of vs AI games and some unranked (Non-ladder) stuff. While you're at it read up on some build orders and get a decent opening together. The little things like hotkeys and the times you build workers make a big difference in the start of the game so getting those timings down is key. I play Protoss almost all the time and very rarely deviate so almost all of my more specific knowledge is directed at protoss. I would also try to get really good at proper scouting i.e. learning what to look for (as far as buildings they have built) to predict your opponents build orders so that you can counter appropriately. That being said, knowledge of direct and indirect counters when fighting each race and specific units just builds up naturally with time but reading up on Terran Vs Toss, Zerg, & Terran builds will help a lot as well. If you want to watch some SCII videos try Husky Starcraft, Day 9, and any Pro games. Some of my favorite terran players are Flash, MvP, & ThorZaIN check them out.

Take the complexity of the game in stages. Start by getting good at your macro and then add little bits from there.

Sadtech i added you bro

Thanks for the reply. Iv actually done a few of these things already. Atm just focus on macros...building units like crazy and expanding. I can beat the AI on hard difficulty with Terran, but as far as online goes its a different story.

Day9 is the best haha what a legend that guy is