Where are the GNU-Less Linux Distro's?

I’d love to use something GNU-Less as a distro. Personally, while I think Stallman has some good motives, GOD does he annoy the shit outta me.

Before today I thought Busybox was just an android or microcontroller / ARM thing. Mostly because I’ve only seen it in those places. But I think it would be neat to see GNU just… poof out of linux. It was important once, but theres better tools now. MUSL, clang, different userland code, fish, etc. Theres just other tools available that, sometimes, are better! Personally I like clang. Mostly I like the documentation being clearer, but nonetheless I like it. But thats just an example.

I’m told Alpine linux is an example distro of this sorta non-GNU area of linux, but I’m curious… What else is there?

And if any fanboy wars pop up I’m going to slap you.

I’m sure there is a recent-ish thread on this with some good replies.

But is your only motive that RMS is annoying? I suppose he is the embodiment of gnu to some extent?

This one I think;


Well the other part is I wonder what it would be like to just have no GNU. Herd is all GNU, we’re at GNU+Leenooks, wheres the JUST linux stuff? There has to be more than just alpine, ani there has to be something in the desktop space.


There you go, BusyBox/Linux with musl libc.
Fuck, didn’t read the whole OP… You already knew about it.

There were few more I remember, but they are not maintained for a loong time.

Oh, and, you can always build your own :wink:

As everyone has said Apline is a good choice, but it’s nearly impossible to have a gnu free distro at this point. Compiling the linux kernel using llvm/clang at least on x86/x64 is pretty much broken at this point. Granted some development has been made on ARM. Not to mention even if we could compile it with clang it will always rely on the gpl two license.

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So, naturally, why not BSDs?

The main downside to BSD operating systems is that they don’t have as many people working on it. You see the effects of this very much in outdated software, though FreeBSD is slightly better about that. Look at NetBSD for example they just got USB 3 support a few months about

Uhh, I wanna say ClearOS has replaced a lot. I know they use clang, at the very least.

Yeah but if OP doesn’t want no GNU, there’s not much choice. Linux is quite dependant on GCC as you said yourself.

So I built Linux and BusyBox. Not too hard to get things running. Extremely simple atm. No bootloader just using qemu's -kernel, no init :stuck_out_tongue: PID 1 is /bin/sh and that symliked to busybox's ash :stuck_out_tongue:

Not even cross-compiling btw.

Next thing you know, you are collaborating with aremis on a gnuless distro.

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What do you mean gun less?

Stupid iOS keyboard keeps on auto correcting me.

I meant gnu-less

ahahaha, damn I was like “isn’t he murican, muricans love guns, why would it be gunless? + it’s linux, there’s no guns, just forkbombs”

now it makes sense :slight_smile:


Try again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPgqfnKG_T4

I meant in it. I assume it’s the linux in the guns there?

Well, technically, there’s Python on Linux, and the python is computer vision stuff to handle tracking and shooting of squirrels. (with water cannons)

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