When will I switch to GoG?

For the many who think GoG is the answer to Steam......it may be but not for Linux gaming yet.
When GoG releases a bunch of Linux games especially in their sales (which I get a bunch of emails for) And I have not seen many Linux games in their sale emails.....then I will consider switching. But consider this......I have over 200 games in my Steam library. Unless GoG is going to connect to my steam account and give me the games there for free.....it is not worth me switching.


Oh and for those bitching about Steam overcharging them for arma 3.......most likely it wasnt actually on sale at the time of the purchase. I just purchased a gift copy of Arma 3 Extended Edition for $37.50 and paid only 37.50 via Paypal. If it was on sale, it was a glitch and will be handled by the billing support team. Have a little faith since any company worth its salt takes fraudulent charges seriously. If still miffed, purchase it straight from http://store.bistudio.com in the future.


Not sure why one would have to "switch" to GOG. GOG is great for old games that aren't on Steam. You can have both. Additionally, GOG will likely never connect to Steam, as that's DRM, the kind which GOG does not subscribe to.

I was suggesting they access the account and see what games you already purchased and just credit them to your account. Assuming they are in GoG. I was referring to a closed thread where someone claimed we should all boycott Steam and switch to GoG because steam was DRM.........A clear follower of Richard Stallman.

There is also humblebundle which gets you a drm free copy and a steam key. There is literally no reason not to use them, even if you decide the play on steam.

gog support team helps claiming keys from steam to your gog library.


Steam to GOG