When is skylake supposed to launch?

I'm wanting to upgrade my 2500k this year,early july, and its gonna ether be to a 5820k or 5770k(I'm assuming they are gonna keep the same naming scheme at least). Just kinda depends on what is out, and if skylake has pcie 3 or 4 support. 

Sometime maybe in 2016. But the problems with Broadwell and the 14nm process in general have put the time frame back a little. They are shooting for 2016 but it may or may not happen. 

The 5820K already exists. It is the Haswell-E (Socket 2011-3/X99) 6 core chip. 

The 5770K will be a Broadwell based i7 (if Broadwell desktop CPUs come out that is. We have only seen mobile thus far but they should be coming.) If anything a Skylake chip will be a 6770k. 

Haswell is the current architecture. Then Broadwell. Then Skylake. 

Skylake will use either DDR3 or DDR4 depending on the mobo and choice. 

PCIE 4 will be there but only on the enthusiast (Skylake-E) not the mainstream. 

I don't wanna sound mean but making PCIE Gen 4 support a priority is stupid. Modern GPUs won't even fully saturate a PCIE Gen 2 X8 link let alone a X16 or any Gen 3 link. So bandwidth isn't an issue and PCIE 4 won't make any difference. 

From my understanding PCIE 4.0 will be server tech for a long time before it comes to desktop. Not like PCIE 3.0 or even 2.0 is a bottleneck right now anyways. 

Basically yeah. Just going off what Wikipedia has listed. They are saying it will only be on Skylake-E/EP/EX. So all server stuff. 


Second half of 2015, but for all I know they could be mobile parts.

Skylake is apparently still on track for sometime in the second half of 2015.


(ctrl+F Skylake)

As for performance, I doubt the platform as a whole will have a significant increase from the current Haswell offerings.

DDR4 simply doesn't have much of a performance difference currently compared to DDR3 in much of anything other than server or high-end workstation environments, and people in those environments will go straight to either C-series or X-series chips with their respective CPUs.

And like DerKreiger said, PCIe 4.0 has no point currently and even PCIe 3.0 barely has any use compared to 2.0. 

Second half, well theres a chance it'll be out in time for my rebuilding then.  I know most things don't need more than pcie 2 right now, but I like to fuck around with my stuff and the extra pcie bandiwdth of haswell 3 or pice 4 could be fun to fuck around with.


Oh well looks like skylake will still have 3 so haswell E will get me the most bandwidth and the extra cores and threads so I'll probably be going with that. Thanks all.

skylake was planed to be launched at the same time as broadwell.

Broadwell, is basicly just another haswell refresh, and will be launched on Z97 platform currently. There will be no big improvements from broadwell over haswell in terms of cpu power, only diffrence will be in the igpu, and powerconsumption.

Skylake: Will be launched this year aswell, its a complete new platform, Socket 1151 mobo´s with Z170 and H170 chipsets, But there will only be locked cpu´s comming out this year for skylake. Unlocked skylake cpu´s are planed for Q2 2016. 

DDR4 support will be the new standard on skylake platform, as far as i know there wont be backwards compatibillity for DDR3. Thats probably the reason why intel launches skylake en broadwell this year. To give Z97 users one last upgrade option this year. The main reason for this, is that intel was forced to refresh the first gen haswell cpu´s, because they had some issues. They launched Devils Canyon and haswell refresh as replacer for their haswell 1.0 chip. So its very logicaly that broadwell will be their last cpu upgrade for Z97. Because of intels tock tok cycle.

There are people who seem to claim that there will be DDR3 backwards compatibillity with the new skylake platform, But i dont believe that! Till now i havent found any real evidence for that claim. It also does not sound very logicaly to me.