Gist of the question is I have a spare 5 bucks I can throw at this. It would actually be rather handy to have a blob of BTC but I never know when is good to buy TBH. That and I don’t see the point. So how do I track this? I know it all just crashed recently and tends to crash multiple times before it stabilizes, so do I wait? Mostly I want to see what everyone else is seeing with this and see where I can use it and if 5 bucks can turn into 50 then I have some fool around money to toy with it.
Side question is I know theres a lot of questionable exchanges. What are good ones and what are bad ones? What do I look for in them? I see a lot of talk about gdax on IRC but I question it, plus theres a multiplicate of them. I remember Mt Gox but that apparently died at some point.
Wat do?
Edit: Actually another Q because I’m relatively behind IMO, litecoin. I was playing with that and mining it a while back and have something like .00005 or something around that and that’s gone up from the crash. So do altcoins just gain more traction when BTC melts?