When google news left spain

if you go to https://news.google.es you get redirected to this https://support.google.com/news/publisher-center/answer/9609687?hl=en

many years back the spanish center right party (pp) put in place a law where google had to pay newspapers for headlines and spinets, this was called tasa google

in order to have the fee enforced there was a middle man that have the power to get the money from google and give the money to news paper said fee was inalienable so newspapers on their own could not cut a 0 fee deal with google

google directly closed the news section in spain

the spanish center right party (pp) put in place a law where google had to pay newspapers for headlines and spinets


This is why regulation like this isn’t helpful.

Remember, the internet is like cats; stubborn and vengeful.

Google was born of the internet and will remain stubborn until the day it’s broken up by antitrust.

You want to cost us money for providing a service free of charge? Fine, byebye service.

This also seems to be a sad commentary on how many people only read headlines though.

Copyright holders asked for it, without knowing if they want it.

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