When are you actually going to post the videos you have talked about?


You keep mentioning "all these videos" you are gonna do, like the private email server, kill-your-consoles 2014 (probably 2015 by the time you get to it), and I am certain there are other ones I have missed.

Oh yeah, hey, how's that Tek Syndicate Hardware youtube channel going? Seen A LOT of content come out of there.



  • Quality
  • Speed
  • Price

Pick two.

To be fair to the Tek Syndicate team, setting-up, and producing 'creative content' is not a '5-minute exercise'. Nothing is ever perfect on the first-take of filming, and that's without looking at post-editing, and satisfaction with the final product, too (scheduling also comes into play, too)

Oh I absolutely understand it takes time. Just kind of giving them a hard time. Was also curious their response if they get around to putting this one in the inbox for some sort of rough ball park ETA on some of the videos. (like if we are actually gonna see the kill-your-consoles build this year or next year)

  • Quality
  • Speed
  • Free

Pick two... fixed 


prob. as soon as they get funded or run out of video ideas. :)

As a small time content creator I always have way more video ideas than i have time to make and making and editing a video is actually 10 times more work than what most people would think. At least if you want to do it well.

That skyrim on a surface RT thing is killing me. lol But I don't mind waiting as long as they keep producing quality content.

you must not have alot going on in your life op to be worried about this type of shit

^^ anarekist.



*cough* AGREE *COUGH*

I like the reliability of knowing I will watch:

  1. Two high quality conversational episodes a week 
  2. A piece of new tech here and there. 
  3. unless a conference is being attended - and then i know to wait.

Anything more than this would be suspicious. It is flooding the video waves; With a possible (transparent) attempt to gain traction as a slave-puppet to the Corporate Marketing Managers dream - One where 'they' can persuade as many "independent's" for cheaper than it costs to run your whole Marketing department... AND reach the exact audience you want.

I do not want to tune into another channel that is producing the same as everyone else. Please focus on creating thought provoking content - and plug interesting things you might find along the way.

Create your own content. Take the time to do it. And keep pumping out two 30-60minute videos a week talking about the world in its larger picture. And pencils. We need more content about pencils - i think they're the next big thing.




Actually, you are absolutely correct at the fact I don't have a lot going on. However, the post is mostly a sarcastic post, noted by the (open bracket) Sass (close bracket)...(open bracket)[END] Sass (close bracket)

I do appreciate all the answers I have received though. Didn't think people cared that much.

Create your own content. Take the time to do it. And keep pumping out two 30-60minute videos a week talking about the world in its larger picture. And pencils. We need more content about pencils - i think they're the next big thing

I never understood this as an argument. "Go do exactly what they are doing before you criticize" Ergo every games critic must develop games in a AAA setting? Ergo every movie critic must write, direct, act, and produce their own films? It doesn't make sense. As a fan and viewer of their content, I am free to express my criticism as I please regardless if I have been in the same position or not, and they are equally free to disregard it, shame it, or appropriate it as they see fit.