Hi i have built my new pc but after starting to use it i have encountered many BSODs,
i have accessed the Minidump and got the error code 0x00000124 this is commonly a hardware issue or a driver issue and it also says it was
caused by the driver: hal.dll
and the address of: hal.dll+35.cdf
This error mostly happens when i play team fortress 2, i have updated all the drivers that i have found, the temperatures are not the problem as the cpu runs about 25c without load and up to around 40c on games.
PC specs:
i7 4770k
asus Z87-A
kingston hyper-x KHX16C9K2/16X
kingston ssd now 240gb
seagate barracuda 500gb
corsair cx600
also if you end up thinking its a hardware issue how should i go about testing this as i do not have any other ram, cpu or mbo that is compatible.
Thanks for any help, Ben
Hi for anyone who has a similar issue i disabled haswell's new c stated in the BIOS so i think it is fairly safe to say that the corsair cx600 is not compatible with haswell.