What's your preferred email service other than Gmail?

The Gmail datamining really irks me and I would like some suggestions for other email providers or should I get my own domain? Giving up google's services is so hard, they're so good!

Gmai... wait, there are others?

I don't mind Gmail's datamining although i am aware of it.

The usability of it is what sold me. I used outlook for the longest time and hated it. The webpage would reload for no goddamned reason, drafts would not save or soon enough, and there wasn't much customization.

With gmail I was able to set up a pop3 server and link my outlook to my gmail so I can get all the emails sent to my outlook in my gmail without having to use it.

not to mention gmail is linked to all the other [google] services i actually use. That and i can actually change my background picture and not just the color of the trim.

My primary was yahoomail until I met Gmail (8 years ago) Now my primary is Gmail and secondary is Hotmail/Outlook mainly for internet deals.

So yea for my at the moment the best is still Gmail for me

http://www.yandex.com its safer than Gmail and yahoomail.

Also if of you guys want a similar social site like facebook but with no tracking/ no NSA/spying etc then try www.vk.com

Hmail on an EC2 instance works pretty well. A little SSL never hurt anybody, right? :P


'nuff said

I mainly use hotmail/outlook and gmail for my phone, most people think I'm mad for using it.

protonmail - my primary email (lucky enough to secure my account about a year ago), have a gmail, yahoo as well as my isp's one.

I use outlook as well. Have done for donkeys years.. & it does what it says on the tin.

I currently still use the E-mail functionality that is provided by my hosting-provider which is pretty good. The company is called 1&1.

But as soon as Logan and Wendell do this video on how to setup your own Linux-Exchange-Server thing that they talked about in the last inbox.exe, I'm moving tom something like that.

Oh yeah, I do have a Gmail, but only to run my android devices.

Rocking my own mail server


What client do you use to access that email? (Thunderbird, Outlook, Roundcube, etc). Also, do you know of any good mobile mail clients?

I don't know about Dexter, but for my mail server I use Thunderbird and Outlook. I have been testing out Windows 10 and gave the Windows Mail app a try... Was not overly impressed.

I'll give it a try! :)

Software is a real big thing keeping me using Gmail. I've used Thunderbird and Outlook in the past and hated them both. I really like the way that Gmail works (and Inbox by Gmail, which I got beta for today) and I don't know of anything able to match that. I know I could just make a private email server and then access that using Inbox by Gmail, but that kinda defeats the point.

A nice email provider is  www.openmailbox.org  too.

I agree, I use both but I don't really enjoy either. Outlook has the features I need to do my job and sort through a hundred emails a day, and Thunderbird is closest free alternative. Still looking for the holly grail of email clients. The extensions for Thunderbird also add a lot of functionality not present in stock Thunderbird. Stay away from Windows 8-10 Mail app.

+1 Protonmail, if you don't mind waiting for an account at this point.