Whats your favorite/recomended Hard drive wipe program

HI, I am trying to erase an MBR off an old hard drive and then would like to erase another drive and write over it. I know there are a lot of programs out there but not sure if there is one that's best. I'm perfectly happy paying for a reliable program but if the best one is free I wont complain either.


DBAN -- Darik's boot and nuke.

For a complete erase a hammer works really well.


Blendtec Blender,
Inverted lawn mower

5 KG sledgehammer

diskpart then /cleanall on the pointed disk. Rewrites zero's to everything including the MBR. It's not secure, but it'll write over the MBR for you. I also use partedmagic or partition wizard for that.

Well I plan on re-using the disk so probably not something so harsh.

Would like something a bit more user friendly that I can show my brothers how to use as well.

DBAN or .308 Winchester.

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What about this Drivescrubber program?



Simple but powerful


I like the stuff Piriform makes, and have used Recuva before... both for recovery of data and deletion.

well duh, it stands for Data Destroyer

I usually just overwrite the disks with zeroes followed by a random binary write and then zeroes again. I don't use anything made by someone else for something I'm trying to destroy.

The only truly reliable data destruction method involves a few screwdrivers, a pyrex pie pan, and about half a pint of aqua regia

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