I’m curious of what other people have for mics and headphones. I kinda operate on the best of what I can afford, os I try to look at EVERYTHING available and make a choice from there to see what matches.
Atm here’s my setup, and if you know how to improve it, by all means I invite you to say something.
I can get these for 20 bucks refurbed at the local guitar center. Idk why they have a billion of them tho.
Mic: Sterling Audio ST151
What is with these weblinks man
I got this for 100 bucks because it sounded pretty much the same as a 450 dollar mic. So like fuck it.
Headphones: Pioneer HDJ-X7’s
I go between phones, laptops, mixing decks, and didn’t want to deal with a shit wavetable or anything. So I found the best sounding headphones for my uses covering most of the board.
I don’t have any great stand or anything. Literally a stage stand from when my dad was in rock bands in the 70’s. Idk the first thing about cardioid mic stands vs other ones aside from some have springs some don’t.
No pop filter. Generally don’t have the mic that close to my face.
Have both knobs on amp turned to center, +20db applied, set pc mic in to 55-65 or it’ll peak or drop out. Sounds great actually.
I’m more than likely going to kill something tho because it’s just going into my pc, or at least it seems like I will eventually. Idk. Probably need to adjust levels more efficiently since I have a tiny window to tune the mic to settings wise physically, then I just have to govern it thru software.
What do ya’ll do?