What's wrong with my monitor?

So my monitor is over 5 years old (I'm pretty sure, can't remember when I got it exactly) and for around the past 6-12 months, my desktop icons and a few others icons would have shadows. What it looks like: http://m.imgur.com/TDlzBTx,48M23eY,xvNAi2S,f24Wlst,qjoZoCE,4axHQbk,obIrrwy

I have no clue how it happened or why it happened. Is there any way to fix it since I can't afford a new monitor anytime soon :/ Does it also mean my monitor will die sometime soon? So many questions!

P.s.sorry for the duplicate photos. My phone somehow glitches. 

Thanks to whomever can help! :D

The shadows aren't as noticeable from certain angles, but facing straight ahead they are really noticeable. This also mostly only happens when looking at the desktop but occasionally during some games it is noticeable. 

Are you using a D-sub cable? Could be interference or a bad cable all together. Worth testing first. 

Is it possible that the display resolution got changed slightly? Some displays SUCK at cretin resolutions one tick on the little slider bar can make everything look all wonky even if the res is only slightly different. I would play around with that if you haven't already.

if its the cable monoprice.com but looking at the pic I would say the display is going bad unfortunately.

Yes I am using a d-sub/VGA cable (whichever people want to call it). I don't think it would be the cable because I've been using this cable since I got the monitor and I never really touched the cable very much so I doubt I somehow broke the cable. What I can do is test out my other VGA cable and see if it still does the same (I expect it will).

I really hope it isn't the display going bad. I hope its something I can fix through software. 

Hmm. I haven't really touched the resolution in a while, or st all. What's the cretin bar/slider?

May check for latest GPU drivers also.    

and  if there are thrift stores around you  ... go have a look around   ... I picked up a 22" AOC for $20 and a 24" Lg  for $25 at my local Goodwill thrift store. It can be a little sketchy for a while until get good at junkin' but it is the only way I can afford to keep all the kids and their friends & families up & running.

this thing


I saw some at a local trift shop a few months ago and dint get them now im kicking myself. Iv gone back just about every week this summer and no LCDs for me :(

Just swap the VGA cable with another one to test ( provided the existing one is not hard wired into the display)


Yeah I passed on a large pair of 400 w active KRK PA speakers for $129 for both a week ago ...'cause they looked really, really heavy. I left to get one of my kids and they were gone when I got back. I should have tagged 'em.  They sell for $300 each all day long. Procrastination is a bitch.