What's with these stupid inbox questions?

Haha yea. Could take 20 top most asked hardware questions and make a video. Post a sticky and be done with it.

Yeah but the problem is that no one reads the rules or the current stickies. haha

This is what happens when a site and it's creators become more popular. Individuals that want attention try and gain it by asking questions no one want's answered. Doing a little research is more helpful in building a PC than asking for someone to do it for you. 

Now that I think of it doesn't that defeat the purpose of being on Tek Syndicate? This is a site for people that enjoy technology. And if you can't be bothered to do a little research on what you want to spend your money on why are you here?

I guess it comes with the territory. Get bigger and you are bound to find the lowest common denominator.

Anyway to try and stay on track I believe that more mods with more power as well as making a statement again about how the Inbox is to be used could improve this situation. Since Logan has already stated that the Inbox.exe is for important questions that need the attention of him, Wendell, Qain, or Pistol, it should be treated like any other Troll. Ignore it until it learns better.

this is what happened in animal farm.

Well, believe that everyone is correct at a certain degree. The amount of traffic may not be control just by common sence alone. As I tell many of my friends, "google is your friend".  Just got a idea. Inbox thread inc.

First off, I try to move all the obviously hardware related posts to the right spot. Saying that, i know that i leave quite a bit of stuff here even if it doesnt really belong. Part of it is that there aren't necessarily sub-forums for everything that people ask. The biggest thing that  am noticing at the moment is trouble-shooting. People who can't boot or something isnt working ask here first. It obviously shouldnt go here but i dont know where it should go really :(

Also, i miss some due to the amount of stuff thats posted in this thread. I try toget through everything i have missed but obviously i cant get them all straight away.

Software for reboot issues, and hardware for upgrade questions. Even have In he Works section if you have fourm bug issues. It's no excuse to post in inbox that can easily be answered by one of the fourm junkies. 

After reading the sticky it clearly said, ask a question that can only be answered by the 4 people listed above.

yes people need to read the sticky´d rules before they post anything, if some one has a question, please post it in the sections where they belong. There are alot of subforums where most questions are on the right place.

I wonder if something could be implemented that would make it so people posting in the inbox.exe for the first time HAD to read the rules and or the sticky.

Linus has his fourm setup like that, but being that I'm a noob to life I can't find the answer to his questionnaire. Yes he test you on fourm rules before becoming a member. Which isn't a bad idea, but he needs to make it forum rules for dummies.

Head-Fi, I believe has a somewhat similar template for new users.

take your rules and shove em!

Rules are important. With out rules people that are worth reading wouldn't be posting here.

Think where The Tek dropped the ball was not asking for prove of PC ownership before member expections. Lol