What's the point of Intel?

After finishing my first build I realized I made a gigantic mistake, I bought an Intel 775 CPU. For the a little more I could've gotten an AMD Phenom II 940.

Why is Intel charging so much for Quad 775 processors? the QX9650 is $1000, and the QX9770 is $1500. Whhy does Intel charge so much for a CPU because it's multiplier is unlocked? The Q9650 goes for about $350, and the QX950 is about $1000. That's more than an extra $600 because of an unlocked multiplier.

The i7s outperform the Phenom IIs, but the i7 940 is $560 and is only clocked higher than the i7 920. the i7 965 is only clocked higher and has an unlocked multiplier, but is $1000. Sure I understand higher prices for those things, but $1000? i7s perform great, but are just highly overpriced, except for the i7 920, which is the only i7 worth getting. Sorry about my rant but WTF Intel seriously drop the damn prices. It doesn't cost you an extra $700 to unlock the multiplier and higher the clock speeds.

Here's how it should be priced:

Q9XXX CPUs are $150-$250, because that's where they need to be, and try to drop the entire 775 line up.

QX9XXX CPUs need to be about $300-350, or just drop them entirely.

i7 920 should lower a little to $250 to compete with Phenom II, which it will win.

Just drop the i7 940, it's pointless.

i7 965 should be $500, that somewhat reasonable.

Core 2 Duo E8XXX should be $160 at most.

I doubt Intel would do this any of this though.

did you at least get an aluminium sticker ?



But you go by Wolfdale?

i would get the intel one , intel is always better.don't ask me why

what gfx card did you choose ? gfx is always more important

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.................... what card did u get ?

GFX is not more important because it isn't future proof, it's gonna be replaced in 6months or a year, not 1 1/2 or 2 years. Because I got Socket 775, I plan on building a new system mid 2010. I'm gonna save up this year's bday money in march and next years bday money in march. then i'll get a job, sell this PC, buy the parts, and build myself a good PC, without making mistakes like this one, and I'll be good. If intel's prices on the 32nm i7s are good I'll get those, if not I'll go AMD.

well , i always think that the best buys are the mainstream ones. if you pay the cheapest or the most expensive in the store you are going to get less.but that's my opinion

The mainstream ones are just clocked lower and have a locked multiplier, there's no reason the ones clocked higher with unlocked multis should be $1000. A good CPU should be $200-$300, and that should last 2 years, same for GFX cards, except they don't last as long (1 year).

Edit: And I have a 9600GT, I plan on upgrading it, don't know when though.

You have to be 100% aware of what new stuff is coming, and what is already on the market when making a new rig...

I wont upgrade for atleast 3 years.. (e8400/9800gtx)

Sli your going to notice some extreme lag in games if you dont upgrade i think you should sell that rig you have and build a new one :)

Yes and INTEL are putting there 32NM chips on sale in Q4 of this year so unless you go AMD there might be no point upgrading now.

becuase intel is quality there the better company im not going to get into details

xXxPathogenxXx wrote 54 minutes ago »

becuase intel is quality there the better company im not going to get into details

Actually Intel only charges more because they have the performance advantage.

AMD is more reliable. There Motherbaords are more stable, and so are there cpus. Thats y AMD is more trusted for servers, and almost all the worlds fastst Supercomputers are powered by AMD

M3T@L GH0ST wrote 1 hour ago »

Sli your going to notice some extreme lag in games if you dont upgrade i think you should sell that rig you have and build a new one :)

Not if those silly gamecompanies learn to optimize their games.. Fear 2 for instance, crazy optimizing ( as in good)

Unless ur want performance, and get ripped off get intel.

Intel is great for all round performance, at a killer price tag.

I might wanna mention, that with continuous lines of the same chip, such as the i7, or the E7200, E7300, E7400, E8200 and E8400, have their prices decided by how well they perform in laboratory testing, with seperate cache and FSB for testing. After deciding how well each individual chip performs (They're still all the same chip at this point, mind you) they then add the FSB and Cache bits on the CPU and price/name it accordingly.

So each I7 costs the same for Intel to make, but they all start out equal. Then they find out they have a really golden chip and call it 'Extreme', ramping the price up $800-$2000.

intel is like apple they charge for the name

its really a brand name thing i still like them over amd

bro you have to relise that it takes time to produce a name like that and when you do $$$$$$$

all day baby.... its the nature of the beast.... at least Intel sells a kick arse product...so does AMD...