What's the performance of a GTX 770?

How well does a GTX 770 perform when running games at Ultra? Is it a good graphics card worth the money? The games I play the most are probably BF4, the Witcher 2, Fallout 3, and Skyrim. The card is about $350 so it's got to be a beast right? 


It's a pretty good graphics card at 1080p, given the 256bit and 2gb framebuffer if you are looking at playing at a higher resolution than 1080 a 780 or R9 280x with their better memory subsystems would be worth a look.

For $350 though it is a right little power house, if you know how fast the GTX 680 was, well it is as fast as that (given it's essentially a rebadge.)

My 7870 has no problems running games at ultra w/ max settings so you shouldn't worry about the 770,it's going to perform just fine.

770 is a pretty darn good card for 1080p. Assuming you have a decent CPU, you shouldn't have any problem playing those games at Ultra.