I've been looking around, and I can't find any issues with doing raid with different model drives (same storage capacity). I know that the slower drive will bottleneck the faster drive's transfer speed, but is that it, or will it result in errors, or something else?
I'm thinking of using a 1TB Seagate SSHD and a 1TB WD Blue (will both be bottlenecked by gigabit ethernet speed) in raid 1. Will there be any issues?
Yeah, as long as they're the same capacity I'm pretty sure it's fine. I've done RAIDZ-1 with 2 different brands of drives for a while now, and nothing has caught fire yet...knock on wood
This sums up my experience with RAID 1, very little actual performance increase and you risk losing twice as much data if you don't have yet more hard drives laying around for backups. If you do have enough drives to act as backup you might as well be doing RAID 5 or 10 to begin with. If you plan to use this setup for an extended amount of time just don't get too attached to your data. Mine only lasted about 2 years, but I had just used the system like it could die at any time so no biggie.
its fine as long as capacity match. i am running a sata2 2TB HDD from seagate and a sata3 2TB from WD and its completely fine in raid 1 or in raid 0. my older drive is limiting the speed but i dont mind.