Whats The Best Internet Browser For 2009?

Whats the best internet browser for 2009? I use Firefox a lot. But is there a better internet browser than Firefox?

Mmmm Maybe google chrome or opera... you decide what you think is best.
Firefox is best imo

I like FF because its fast and I like to have my toolbars and addons.

Also, see here

Google Chrome.

Chrome and Firefox, they both have good featuers.

Firefox IMO

Yeah, I use both Chrome and Firefox.


There's already a thread like this. Please keep it to one.

Wow how cares dude... If there is one like mine.. There must be alot more.

I like Opera 9.6 a lot. I use it for everything and it even has bittorrent built in. It's fast, and it has its fareshare of add-ons

I'm using Opera 9.6 right now as well, and I like it. It may not have as many addons as Firefox, but I really don't end up using the addons on Firefox as much.

I like Opera's speed dial, which pops up everytime you open a new tab. Opera's a very nice browser imo.

Ya I have firefox and opera.

FireFox 3.5 :D

i agree

I agree

i agree on your agreement

My favourite browser(s)Â is a tie between Chrome and FF 3.5. But IE (all versions) is at the bottom of my list.

Hmm, I think I'll go and use Internet Explorer 8 on my New PC instead of the usual browsers.Â

I know it's not very smart, but I just want to get a taste of the classical feel.

^ brb txting Chris Hansen