So I was listening to some music as usual and I stumbled across this very good and under appreciated cover of a metallica song that just amazes me everytime I hear it and I was wondering if any of ya'll have any other amazing cover song that you wanna share!
Well I personally LOVE their other stuff, their first stuff (ep and debut) are like emo/metalcore but their 2nd release is some really good, different metalcore, and very heavy too (mainly due to the contrasting vocals). And their most recent album is metalcore/industrial/black and is quite nice, but it's quite experimental too, so the songs don't all flow into each other.
Their album that's coming out on sept 16th however is more gothic an features Dani Filth from Cradle of Filth and a few others including someone from slipknot I think, maybe corey?
Haha holy shit!! I knew that'd be Guitarherophenom! Fuck I used to play guitar hero so much and he was like my idol man! i can't believe danny transferred his talent from guitar hero to real guitar, it's insane! I hope that this happens to me haha, I know that it's at least helped me with tremolo picking for sure!