What's Happening As The University of California Tries To Outsource IT Jobs To India


Long-time Slashdot reader Nova Express shares an epic column by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Michael Hiltzik. It details what's happening now as the University of California tries to outsources dozens of IT jobs -- about 20% of their IT workforce -- by February 28th. Some of the highlights:

The CEO of UCSF's Medical Center says he expects their security to be at least as good as it is now, but acknowledges "there are no guarantees."
Nine workers have filed a complaint with the state's Department of Fair Employment and Housing arguing they're facing discrimination.
California Senator Feinstein is already complaining that the university is tapping $8.5 billion in federal funding "to replace Californian IT workers with foreign workers or labor performed abroad."
Representative Zoe Lofgren (from a district in Silicon Valley) is arguing that the university "is training software engineers at the same time they're outsourcing their own software engineers. What message are they sending their own students?"
57-year-old Sys-admin Kurt Ho says his replacement spent just two days with him, then "told me he would go back to India and train his team, and would be sending me emails with questions."
The university's actions will ultimately lower their annual $5.83 billion budget by just 0.1%.


I think that this behavior is going to be curbed in a trump administration

Locally, I know of a couple of companies ( 1 a local Newspaper ) that have outsourced their IT departments to India. Its a bit of a concern since I am in the IT industry myself...

Once again, trump speaks of tariffs, so if anything you should hope to take advantage of new policies to come


Mutters something about india and screwed up databases some bs about cultural differences.

I have to talk to the fucking Indian call centers every day and I swear to god. I used to be able to do my job all by myself at ATT and they saw it fit to take away access to BASIC tools and make us sit in a chat queue for at least 30 minutes multiple times a day.

They have literally deleted entire customer accounts multiple times when I'm just trying to change an account name or phone number. I fucking hate it and I pray Trump or the new administration puts an end to it

:) I am ranting about basic stuff like name searches lol..... That crap would not fly at all. I now take a perverse pleasure in multiple entries of the same thing.